Happy weekend!!! Bailey would like to thank everyone who came to his birthday party. He also wants you to know that he is being very very good now that he is all grown up and he is not spoiled!!! Yeah right Bailey. I hope you have had a good week. It was springtime here and we were supposed to have snow today and it did for 5 minutes. I wish it would, it's been a warm dry winter. I know some of your are shuddering because you've been so cold and snowy.

I received this wonderful award from
Penny. She is so sweet and so creative. Thank you Penny.

My February snowflake arrived too!! This is my third snowflake from
Crystal. I look forward to them every month.

I made this cake today. It is in the Gourmet magazine and as soon as I saw it I knew I had to make it. The hardest part was squeezing 1/2 cup of key lime juice. Lucky for me my daughter came in the kitchen as I was grating the zest to see what I was doing and I asked her if she wanted to squeeze some lime juice for me. She said yes and I handed her the key limes. She said "Out of these little things?" I just said start squeezing honey!! The recipe is

I made a pork roast with roasted pears that was so good. I got the recipe from a Williams
Sonoma catalog. You can find it on their website
here. I must be in a roasted pear mood this winter. I made a chicken with roasted pears not long ago that I got from
Mimi's blog. Mimi always takes you on wonderful trips to Paris or walks with her Grandmother. She is a wonderful story teller and writer.
All these recipes should keep you busy for the awhile. I'm making a new mac and cheese recipe tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm still spring cleaning but took last weekend off for my Mother's 90th birthday party and this weekend I'm just too lazy to do much. I have my bathroom and living room to do and I'm done. I just have to get back in the cleaning mood. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
Hi Judy,
Your food always looks wonderful. Can you come over and make me something wonderful to eat :) :)
While I don't mind cooking, I just don't try new things and guess I need to.
I think I'll go read some of my cookbooks and try something new.
Happy Weekend.
Oh yum, the food looks so good.And do you want to come to my house to help me spring clean ?? hehehe
Hi Judy,
Now that cake really looks good. I think I would be tempted to take a bite if it were on my table.
By the time spring gets here, you will be all done spring cleaning!
I redecorated my living room wall today. I am going to look at it a while before I decide whether I like it or not. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted so I had to use only what I could find at the store today.
Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
Big hugs,
Hi Judy your food looks delicious as always. Your Martini sounds yum. Im going to have a Strawberry Martini next (the things I do for the sake of my blog LOL!) I just realised I had your blog on anonymous??? My blogroll has went scewiff recently. I dont know how that happened so Im sorry if you thought I had stopped following you. (As if I wouldnt want to come and annoy you Hee Hee) X
That cake looks so wonderful.
Now to just be in Key West to enjoy it even more.
Hi Judy! Congrats on your award! You deserve it! That snowflake is so pretty! It's kind of fun looking forward to them each month, isn't it?
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog that you left just now. :)
Ooh, that looks lovely Judy!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Bailey for his birthday on Friday. He is so lovely.
My 'Ma' is looking so much better. It's really nice to see her and spend some time here. I am just so relieved that she seems much better. Thanks for asking Judy!
Have a good week!
Great choice in recipes! I want to try both!!
Oh my....yum! yum! I printed the turkey scallipini recipe and will pick up the ingredients when I buy groceries this week. About the limes... When my son was home last summer he bought 2 dozen limes....why? I don't know. I think he had visions of lots of umbrella drinks by the pool. Anyway, when he left I had no idea what to do with those limes. I decided to make fresh lime-ade and you are right....squeezing them is a real bear. Putting them in the microwave for a bit helps to release the juices. I stayed on a lime-ade kick all summer. :)
Now I'm starving. I know better than to sit down to read when I'm hungry! That pork roast looks awesome.
Hi Judy
Oh I love pears and thats so good to have recipes where I can use it apart from munching on. I am going to have to try the pork roast..yummy.
Thank you for sharing these great recipes.
I have 3 snowflakes a friend tatted for me also. Aren't they lovely?
Oooh yum...it looks delicious. Good thing you can't gain weight from just drooling over your computer screen!
These look delicious!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, but I'm not Lydia. I'm Nancy ;-)
word verification game
nowswirs: a southerner says 'no' to more than one gentleman, "Naw, sirs"
That pork roast looks amazing!
doggone it Judy! that cake looks fabulous! I see a coconut key lime cake in my near future....
Judy, I had to come back and tell you about the turkey scallopini dish. It WAS fantastic. My pitiful grocery store out here didn't have turkey cutlets so I used chicken instead and of course subbed the mushrooms too and I used white wine. I had sides of smashed potatoes which was wonderful with the sauce as a gravy, green beans with almonds and feta cheese and sweet potato rounds. Yum...it was a five star Friday nite dinner. Hope you are having a fab. weekend. Lynn
It's still so cold here in Boise. How is your weather doing?
Now I want to make a banana cream pie! I think your meringue looks perfect! Yummy! : )
What wonderful treasures you have :)! I AM going to make that cake ~ thanks for the link to it :). Glad you liked the snowflake ~ March's should be there very soon ~ and April's will go out in the mail this week :)
Happy day :) crystal
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