The recipe was one of Paula Deens but there are lots of versions of the Better Than Sex cake around on All Recipes and other sites. She also has a chocolate version in one of her cookbooks. I'm not a real Paula fan but some of her recipes are ok if you can get past all the butter!!!
Breeding Season for My Geese
From mid-winter to early spring, it's mating season for my geese. I share
my farm with an interesting gaggle of geese - Sebastopol geese, Toulouse
18 hours ago
...Such a REWARDING job, that you have!
That cake does look yummy!
Is it any left for me... PLEASE!
Kisses Kisses
Debbie Moss
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
That cake looks wonderful.
I know you will love the bienvenue blog. Lot's of pretty things to see.
Which tassel did you buy?
I bought the rooster.
That cake looks very yummy.
Have a piece for me please.
I know that we both will love our tassels.
They are all so pretty. It was hard to make a choice, wasn't it?
That cake looks as though it was delicious! I could do with a piece right now!
I NEED a piece of this cake right NOW! It looks so yummy!
I made the chocolate version for company dinner this summer. I have been wanting some sweet all I am really in trouble. :)
We would be great shopping partners.
At least, we have the Internet to go shopping together.
I did not see the tassel that I bought, when I went back to look at that webpage. I think I bought the last one. It was a red and yellow rooster.
She has so many pretty tassels. I also love the black and white rooster, and the pumpkin.
Have you checked out Art and Artifact? That is a gorgeous catalogue. They are on-line. I ordered some light switch plate covers from them, so now I get their catalogue.
Trust me, you will love them.
Dear Judy,
Thank you for the lovely comments in my blog. I am so happy you had such a nice friend to work with this summer. It is always fun to be surrounded by nice people...which I think happens to you a lot since you are so very kind. Much happiness to you and your family always.
I've been making that cake for years. Funny you should post about it. I just came across the recipe yesterday and was thinking of making it.
I don't add the sugar to the pineapple and I don't heat it up first. I also add a bit of coconut to it.
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