Do you think the buds are getting bigger? You can actually see the pink in them now. I took the picture this morning and I think they are bigger tonight. OK it's my imagine!! Or maybe "old age" and I'm delusional? Please don't answer that. Thank You.
I was reading
Nola's blog this morning and she did a Meme from
Dianne so thought I'd play along since I'm at 98 now!!! NO not my age, my number of posts!!
1. Where is your cell phone.~~ ~In my purse and off as it should be.
2. Where is your significant other?~~~Don't have one, don't want one
3. Your hair color? ~~~Well I used to be a brunette and colored it for years but one day I decided to see what color it actually was and I let it grow out. I decided I liked it so I'm very silver today.
4. Your Mother? ~~~She'll be 90 next year.
5. Your Father?~~~ He died many many years ago.
6. Your favorite thing?~~~ Cooking...Shock huh?, reading, and visiting all you
7. Your dream last night? ~~~OK now you are going to call the men in the white jackets. My dream was a continuation of the nights before and it was really weird. Do you have serial dreams?
8. Your dream goal?~~~To stay healthy and always be happy
9. The room you're in? ~~~Living room
10. Your hobby?~~~cooking
11. Your fear?~~~ Not being able to take care of myself
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? ~~~Here
13. Where were you last night?~~~Home
14. What you are not?~~~ 40
15. One of your wish list items?~~~ to visit France where my ancesters were born.
16. Where you grew up?~~~Mostly Denver, I was born in MO and moved to CA. I came here when I was 12.
17. The last thing you did?~~~ Dishes
18. What are you wearing?~~~ Sweats
19. Your TV? ~~~~~Living room and bedroom
20. Your Pets?~~~ Anna and Bailey
21. Your computer? ~~~ My friend made it so who knows
22. Your Mood? ~~~Happy
23. Missing someone?~~~not right now
24. Your car?~~~ 2008 Nissan Versa
25. Something you're not wearing?~~~No shoes, no bra, no makeup
26. Favorite Store?~~ Macy's
27. Your summer?~~~ Serene
28. Love someone?~~~ My kittens and my children
29. Your favorite colors? ~~~ Purple, blue
30. When was the last time you laughed?~~~ Today when Anna and Bailey were being silly
31. When was the last time you cried?~~~ When my back was soo soo painful
Hope you enjoyed and please play along. It's fun!! Have a great week!!