Here is all the treasures I found last weekend. Most will go in the booth of course. I really did well and got some great deals. It wasn't the best weekend but I ended up with quite a bit as you will see. I got a lot of this on Sunday which is 1/2 price day.
I got the box of linens for $5.00!

These are yards and yards of trim. I'm going to put them all in a bag and give them one price.

This is a beautiful big tablecloth that someone put a lot of love into embroidering all the flowers.
Price $2.00. They were asking $2.50 1/2 price so I got a real deal.

The Singer was $35.00 but I passed on it but when it was there Sunday I bought it. I also asked them if I could have it for $15.00. SOLD!! The only thing wrong with it is the cord is in bad bad shape. I might put a new cord on it if it doesn't cost too much. What do you think?

The case is in pretty bad shape but I can clean that up fairly easy.

See this little red scarf that Bailey loves? Well after taking pictures of the linens I put them in a pile until I had time to wash them. Well I forgot the scarf was in the pile and yes you guessed it. My beautiful white tablecloth is now light pink!! And the red scarf is now in a million little pieces. It fell apart after ruining my tablecloth. The doilies came out OK! Maybe I can sell it cheap. Or maybe someone will love the pink tablecloth. Who knows!

This is a box of Rice Paper napkins. Aren't they pretty? You should feel them. Oh so soft and delicate.

Isn't this the cutest iron? Can you imagine ironing with this thing? It is
sooo heavy.

The cute nativity scene was only $2.50. Couldn't pass that up.

I loved these cookbooks and NO I'm not selling them. They are fun to read. It's amazing how much shortening the recipes call for.

The leaf was in the
McCalls Cookbook. I wonder why the owner put the leaf in it and what it meant to her. I left it in the book.

The quilt and 2 shams were only $10.00.

hankys were $1.00 a piece. Aren't they pretty?

And the pretty doll was only $4.00. The clock beside her was $10.00 and is pretty.

And the cans and baskets were all free!! I took the baskets to carry things in. The cans have 1 or 2 nested inside of them, so there are more than it looks.

The kitchen towels were only $1.00 a piece.

I found these adorable chubby Santa too! I just love them.

The angels and some
little bears were a steal too.

I thought the little pitcher was cute too.
And that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed seeing all my goodies. Hope you are having a great week.
Wow! You found some great bargains! I love the lace, and the quilt -- wow wow wow!!!
Pink lace tablecloth sounds pretty!
Wow Judy -- you got some wonderful bargains! I love to go to estate sales, but I have to admit, they do make me awfully sad. ;-(
Judy, looking at the prices you mentioned, everything seem too cheap. If I am there, you will have to hold on to my purse...coz I will buy everything! Hey, that Singer machine looks like mine at home, mine came with the wooden legs and for 15.00 wow...again, so cheap!! You've got yourself a whole load of treasure there :P
What great finds Judy! All those trimms are so beautiful. Oh I'm sure someone won't mind a pink tablecloth either :)
And those tomatoes from your previous post look delicious, tomatoes are the best!
I hope these items all do well at your stall.
You are a bargain queen. I am sure there are many pink loving ladies out there judging blogs. How often is your booth open?
Your food in the last post looks so yummy and I am so hungry as it is late
Hugs ~
You really made out like a burglar! You got some great deals. I am sorry that you now have a pink tablecloth. There is a blog for posting pink on Saturdays. Maybe you could join that. I love all the handkies and the doll.
You hit the jackpot. And that antique Singer is amazing. I hope it works if you replace the cord. Have a great night!.
You got lots of stuff Judy! I'm loving that sewing machine, definitely put a new cord on it and clean it up! The little embroidered table cloth is so sweet too!
Hi Judy,
Girl, you can shop! What wonderful treasures you found. You have a good eye!
Thank you for entering my giveaway and posting a link on your blog. I really do appreciate it.
Hi Judy
Oh you did so well with your purchases! Great deals.
Love the lace and the tablecloth and oh dear what happened to the tablecloth...the dolly is darling...
You are right what would we ever do if we couldn't thrift and hit garage and estage sales..think of all the neat things we would be wishing we had but couldn't find..*s*.. its so fun! It looks like you hit a great spot.
Judy,You certainly lucked out.How old do you think the sewing machine is?If you can fix it,I would keep it. You can redo the cover..Paint it and make it real pretty.XXOO Marie Antionette
Those rice paper napkins looks so pretty and dainty! Loved those chubby Santas too! You got a lot of great treasures!
Just stopping by via The French Element and thought I'd leave a comment...hope you don't mind.
I see that you are from Denver, CO. We are looking to move to CO, hopefully by this time next year. My parents live in Littleton and we'd like to live closer to them and also move out of CA. I'm a born and raised CA girl so it might be hard to adjust to the CO weather but I can't wait to give it a try. We were there in June and will be making another trip in Oct. So far we love the Evergreen area but I'm just not sure about living with all of the "animals!" I'd love to be able to take long walks/hikes in that area and to be able to live near the beautiful Evergreen lake. Will see what transpires.
Take care and have a great week.
Wow..what great finds! I love all the linens! :)
Hello sweet F.R.I.E.N.D!
Sorry long time no talk... and it is all my fault!
I suffer from depression, and every so often it comes back... hence the reason not accepting comments and for not visiting my wonderful blog F.R.I.E.N.D.S!
Anyway... feeling much better now!
My 5 meds that I take everyday are working, once again! Hurray!
So expect me to come and visit you more regularly... Oh No! Lol
Alan sends his L.O.V.E!
P.S- Well done with finding such great Treasures/Bargains!
If you lived near me... I would hire you as my personal treasure hunter for my website! Lol
Hello sweet F.R.I.E.N.D!
Sorry long time no talk... and it is all my fault!
I suffer from depression, and every so often it comes back... hence the reason not accepting comments and for not visiting my wonderful blog F.R.I.E.N.D.S!
Anyway... feeling much better now!
My 5 meds that I take everyday are working, once again! Hurray!
So expect me to come and visit you more regularly... Oh No! Lol
Alan sends his L.O.V.E!
P.S- Well done with finding such great Treasures/Bargains!
If you lived near me... I would hire you as my personal treasure hunter for my website! Lol
Please email me your info and I will get it out asap.
Everything is so cute, how can you stand to part with any of it? That sewing machine was a steal. I have the bottom part of one of those irons, but not the handle. I use mine as doorstops!
Hello Miss Judy~ Somehow I missed where you'll be selling your treasures...Wherever they are I'd like a chance to bib on the (small floral) embroidered tablecloth, even though it washed up pink. It would be perfect on my table. Please let me know when and where you'll be posting the sale of your goods.
I can't believe summer is over in the PNW. Our summer nights have already shortened. It has started getting darker a lot earlier.
I won't be the only one who'll miss summer and the great outdoors. It's also the only time my kitty can get out to play. Angel kitty thinks she is the Queen of the backyard domain. She takes her duties very serious. She chases any feline trespasser out as fast as her 16 year old (chubby)body can. It's a difficult duty, but she relishes every minute.
I'll be back to blogging soon...see you then.
Sweet summer wishes,
Terrific items you found lucky girl! Too bad about the tablecloth, maybe try a soak in some Oxy before you give up hopes on it?
you got a GREAT deal on that singer, since i paid $600 for mine! my cord works, but fifteen dollars????? i know someone who can work on it if you need help. i think his site is he refurbishes antique singers for living.
hope all is well with you.
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